So. I've been in a little reading funk lately. Starting books, just not getting into them and abandoning them. A lot. I thought this would be one of those too, but not even close. I stayed up half the night and read to 280 pages, slept a few hours and read the rest of the book.
Lou was so familiar, I could identify with her right away. I like a quiet life! Reading books, knitting and watching movies are my favourite things. Differently from Lou though, I don't think I'm settling in life and never had something happen that made me this way. I appreciate that Will recognized the want for more in Lou and pushed her. But, maybe because I identified so strongly with her, I didn't always feel the same. It sometimes sort of felt patronizing to me, like Mary Rawlingson noted at the wedding.
Will left me kinda angry. Well, not really. More like I was disappointed that he didn't change his mind. I do understand what and how he was feeling and think he had a right to make his own choice. But I still wished he would chance his mind. I was maybe even more frustrated than Lou about that. :D I have to admit that the book was better because he did go through with his plans. So yeah, mixed feelings.
Their dialog, snarky comments to each other, was fun to read. The love story side of things could maybe have been a bit more developed, I think. I didn't really see how Lou knew that Will loved her too. Maybe she reads better between the lines than I do. :)
The story felt very true to life. I would argue though that Lou's assault was an unnecessary detail and I would have enjoyed the story more without it.
All in all, I loved it and would recommend it. I felt ALL the things when reading and that's always good. :) In the end the book was funnily uplifting, given the subject. I did cry, but not as much as I warned my family I would. :D